Thursday, July 13, 2006

Tourist Board


Tourist Information
Patronat Municipal de Turisme i ComerçPasseig Jaume I, 4 Xalet Torre Mar Tel. 35 01 02 C/. Montblanc, 1 Tel. 38 01 36 Espigó del Moll Tel. 38 02 33 Plaça de Venus Av. d'Andorra / Carrer Major Cap Salou
Town Hall
C/. del Llobregat, 1 Tel. 35 00 88
Local Police
C/. de l'Ebre, 9 Tel. 38 40 29
Guardia Civil
C/. de Ciutat de Reus, 36 Tel. 38 01 06
Fire Squadron
Reus. Tel. 77 00 80 Tarragona. Tel. 54 70 80 Cambrils. Tel. 79 50 80
C/. de Montblanc, 1 Tel. 38 03 18
Post Office-Telegrams
C/. de València, 36 Tel. 38 11 77
Grocery Market
Via Roma Tel. 38 02 89
Biblioteca Municipal C/. de Ponent, 16 Tel. 38 41 14
Sports Complex
C/. de Milà, s/n Tel. 38 00 34
Camp Municipal de Futbol Carrer de Barenys, s/n Tel. 38 40 50
Water Sports
Club Nàutic Salou Port Esportiu Salou Tel. 38 21 66
Torre Vella C/. de l'Arquebisbe Pere de Cardona, s/n Tel. 38 32 35
Swimming Pool
C/. de Milà, s/n
Train station
RENFE. C/. de Carles Roig, s/n Tel. 38 19 37
Aeroport de Reus Tel. 77 98 00



The municipal district of Salou offers the visitor the delights of an extremely beautiful sea front, with sheltered coves surrounded by cliffs and magnificent beaches of golden sand met by the pine groves which extend from the land behind right up to the beach. The lie of the land means that the beach shelves gently into a transparent and shallow sea. Its location and extraordinary communications network have led to it being dubbed the «beach of Europe». Its beauty has led to Salou becoming one of the country's foremost tourist, sports, commercial, gastronomic and leisure centres. The port, once commercial but now a leisure port, allows the practice of all sorts of nautical sports.


Map of Salou.

Heres a map of Salou to help you to find your way around!
